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Comparing Equatable using Opened Existentials

February 20, 2024

If you’ve been in Swift ecosystem for many years then you at least encountered this error once: “Protocol ‘XX’ can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements”. Maybe you even had nightmares about it 👻!

It’s indeed one of the most common issue developers face while learning the language. And until not so long ago, it was impossible to “fix”: you had to rethink your code by avoiding casting an object to an existential.

Thankfully this time is now over! Let’s acclaim our saviour: any. We’ll dive into a real usecase (comparing two Equatable objects) to understand how it can be used to solve our issues.

The Swift Programming Guide defines an existential as such: “A boxed protocol type is also sometimes called an existential type, which comes from the phrase ‘there exists a type T such that T conforms to the protocol’”. In other words: we talk about existential when trying to use a protocol as a concrete type (function signature, casting, …).


Let’s create a enum with associated value that we’d like to conform to Equatable.

enum ServiceState: Equatable {
  case failed(Error? = nil)

While in most cases Swift would be able to automatically synthesize the requirement, Error not being Equatable prevents default implementation from being generated 🥲. So we’ll have to do it by hand:

enum ServiceState: Equatable {
  case failed(Error? = nil)

  static func == (lhs: ServiceState, rhs: ServiceState) -> Bool {
    switch(lhs, rhs) {
    case (.failed(let lhsError), .failed(let rhsError)):
      if let lhsError = lhsError as? Equatable, let rhsError = rhsError as? Equatable {
        return lhsError == rhsError
      return false

This code won’t be compile though. On old Swift version you’ll get the infamousProtocol ‘Equatable’ can only be used as a generic constraint” message. But starting with Swift 5.6 you’ll get another one: “Use of protocol 'Equatable' as a type must be written 'any Equatable’”.

That’s interesting! Let’s just follow Swift recommendation:

if let lhsError = lhsError as? any Equatable, let rhsError = rhsError as? any Equatable {
	return lhsError == rhsError

But that doesn’t compile either. Now you’ll have “Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to two 'any Equatable' operands” error 😖.

But that make sense. Equatable is expecting to receive two objects whose types are identical. Here we have two Equatable objects… but they might still be of different types! How to solve this 🧐? You got it: but using opened existentials!

Open Sesame!

The idea of opened existential is to… open an existential 🤷‍♂️. In other words: gaining access to its internal type (Self). And what better candidate to access Self than… the type itself? Sounds confusing but it's actually pretty straightfoward:

  1. You add a function to your type (protocol)
  2. Inside this function you use Self

Let’s apply this to our example:

  1. We define a function Equatable.isEqual
  2. We use it to access Self which is the object concrete type
  3. We compare it to our parameter (rhs)
  4. We use the new function instead of ==
extension Equatable {
  fileprivate func isEqual(_ rhs: any Equatable) -> Bool {
	// A. here we can access Self and check if rhs has the same type than ours
    if let rhs = rhs as? Self, rhs == self {
      return true
    return false

enum ServiceState: Equatable {
  case failed(Error? = nil)

  static func == (lhs: ServiceState, rhs: ServiceState) -> Bool {
    switch(lhs, rhs) {
    case (.failed(let lhsError), .failed(let rhsError)):
      if let lhsError = lhsError as? any Equatable, let rhsError = rhsError as? any Equatable {
		// B. now we use our `isEqual` function instead of `==`
        return lhsError.isEqual(rhsError)
      return false

And now this compiles 🎉!

But this code may look a little bit weird to you as we moved the logic inside the protocol. One other option is to use Implicitly Opened Existentials.

Implicitly Opened Existentials

We went from existentials > opened existentials > implicitly opened existentials! I know what you’re thinking: it starts to look like Dragon Ball 🐉 transformations! But I promise: it stops there 😄

Swift 5.7 introduced generic support with existentials: now you can pass an existential as a function generic parameter.

Let’s take back our example and this time instead of extending our protocol we’ll just create a generic function checkIsEqual:

func checkIsEqual<A: Equatable, B: Equatable>(_ a: A, _ b: B) -> Bool {
  if let b = b as? A, b == a {
    return true

  return false

enum ServiceState: Equatable {
  case failed(Error? = nil)

  static func == (lhs: ServiceState, rhs: ServiceState) -> Bool {
    switch(lhs, rhs) {
    case (.failed(let lhsError), .failed(let rhsError)):
      if let lhsError = lhsError as? Equatable, let rhsError = rhsError as? Equatable {
        return checkIsEqual(lhsError, rhsError)
      return false

Here you see that we got implicit access to our two existential types throught A and B. Hence the name of this functionality.


You now know how to compare two equatable objects in Swift and better understand how to leverage any in your codebase and how helpful it can be. Whether you prefer using solution 1 (extending protocol) or solution 2 (implicitly opened existential) will mostly be a matter of taste.